
Voyager radio occultation investigations at Saturn


Voyager will use dual-frequency 3.5 and 13 cm wavelength radio occultation techniques to study the atmospheres and ionospheres of Saturn and Titan, and the rings of Saturn. At Titan radio occultation is predicted to probe the atmosphere to the surface. The existence of a surface could be confirmed by detection of an obliquely scattered echo. At Saturn the two Voyager encounters will provide occultation measurements of temperate and equatorial regions of the atmosphere and ionosphere, and of the rings. The atmosphere will also be probed in polar regions during the deepest portions of the occultation. Both frequency and intensity data will be collected and jointly analyzed to study temperature-pressure profiles, and to derive information on atmospheric shape, turbulence, and weather. For the rings, Voyager will provide measurements of the complex (amplitude and phase) radio extinction and angular scattering functions of the ring particles as a function of wavelength, polarization, and radial distance from Saturn

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