
M2 ocean tide parameters and the deceleration of the moon's mean longitude from satellite orbit data


An estimation was made of the principal long period spherical harmonic parameters in the representation for the M sub 2 ocean tide from the orbital histories of three satellites - 1967-92A (TRANSIT), Starlette, and GEOS-3. The data used were primarily the evolution of the orbital inclinations of the satellites, with the addition of the longitude of the ascending node from GEOS-3. The results are: (1) C sub 22 superscript + = 3.42 plus or minus 0.24 cm; (2) sub 42 superscript + = 0.97 plus or minus 0.12 cm; (3) epsilon subscript 22 superscript + = 325 D.5 plus or minus 3.D9; (4) epsilon subscript 42 superscript + = 42 = 124D.0 plus or minus 6 D.9. These values agree quite well with recent numerical models and another recent determination from satellite data. The M sub 2 parameters obtained here infer an N of -25 plus or minus 3 arc seconds/century squared, in good agreement with other investigators. The range of current determinations of N is from -24.6 to 27.2 arc second/century squared

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