
Analysis of surface moisture variations within large field sites


A statistical analysis was made on ground soils to define the general relationship and ranges of values of the field moisture relative to both the variance and coefficient of variation for a given test site and depth increment. The results of the variability study show that: (1) moisture variations within any given large field area are inherent and can either be controlled nor reduced; (2) neither a single value of the standard deviation nor coefficient of variation uniquely define the variability over the complete range of mean field moisture contents examined; and (3) using an upper bound standard deviation parameter clearly defines the maximum range of anticipated moisture variability. 87 percent of all large field moisture content standard deviations were less than 3 percent while about 96 percent of all the computed values had an upper bound of sigma=4 percent for these intensively sampled fields. The limit of accuracy curves of mean soil moisture measurements for large field sites relative to the required number of samples were determined

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