
Advanced System Design Requirements for Large and Small Fixed-wing Aerial Application Systems for Agriculture


Several candidate aircraft configurations were defined over the range of 1000 to 10,000 pounds payload and evaluated over a broad spectrum of agricultural missions. From these studies, baseline design points were selected at 3200 pounds payload for the small aircraft and 7500 pounds for the large aircraft. The small baseline aircraft utilizes a single turboprop powerplant while the large aircraft utilizes two turboprop powerplants. These configurations were optimized for wing loading, aspect ratio, and power loading to provide the best mission economics in representative missions. Wing loading of 20 lb/sq ft was selected for the small aircraft and 25 lb/sq ft for the large aircraft. Aspect ratio of 8 was selected for both aircraft. It was found that a 10% reduction in engine power from the original configurations provided improved mission economics for both aircraft by reducing the cost of the turboprop. Refined configurations incorporate a 675 HP engine in the small aircraft and two 688 HP engines in the large aircraft

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