
Some aspects of a free jet phenomena to 105 L/D in a constant area duct


Under certain conditions, inlets with a Borda type geometry were shown to exhibit sufficiently strong separation effects to permit the working fluid to flow through the duct as if it were a free jet. Mass limiting flow data and associated pressure profiles for tubes of 14, 53, 64, 73, and 105 L/D with a Borda type inlet were taken to determine bounds of the free jet phenomena. For a given tube roughness, the limits appear to be one dimensional and dependent only on inlet stagnation conditions. For smooth tubes the upper L/D boundary is related by P sub R roughly equal to CT to the 17th power and sub R, C roughly equal to 00017 (L/D) to the 2.5 power where F sub R = P/P sub c is reduced pressure and T sub R = T/T sub c is reduced temperature. The lower bound appears to be saturation conditions at the inlet. Similar free jet effects were found for fluid hydrogen indicating that fluid jetting may be common to all fluids. While limited data on surface roughness show a decrease in the upper L/D limit, nevertheless fluid jetting still occurred

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