
Aerodynamic and acoustic effects of eliminating core swirl from a full scale 1.6 stage pressure ratio fan (QF-5A)


Fan QF-5A was a modification of fan QF-5 which had an additional core stator and adjusted support struts to turn the core exit flow from a 30 deg swirl to the axial direction. This modification was necessary to eliminate the impingement of the swirling core flow on the axial support pylon of the NASA-Lewis Quiet Fan Facility that caused aerodynamic, acoustic and structural problems with the original fan stage at fan speeds greater than 85 percent of design. The redesigned fan QF-5A did obtain the design bypass ratio with an increased core airflow suggesting that the flow problem was resolved. Acoustically, the redesigned stage showed a low frequency broadband noise reduction compared to the results for fan QF-5 at similar operating conditions

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