
Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE). Evaluation of three-category classification


The author has identified the following signficant results. Examination of both machine estimates and stratified areal estimates produced by clustering and classification reveal no significant differences between the proportion estimates and ground truth estimates. When testing the variances of the machine estimates, a significant reduction in the variances was found when the number of starting dots was increased from 30 to 45. The variances were again reduced, although not significantly, when the number of starting dots was increased from 45 to 60. From these results, 60 starting dots are recommended for a three-category classifier. When examining the variances of the estimates for the four estimation procedures (using 60 dots), no significant differences were found between procedures. Thus, only the machine clustering may be used to produce an estimate, and the stratified areal estimate computations and maximum likelihood classification can be deleted

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