A comparison of measured and calculated upwelling radiance over water as a function of sensor altitude
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A comparison is made between remote sensing data measured over water at altitudes ranging from 30 m to 15.2 km and data calculated for corresponding altitudes using surface measurements and an atmospheric radiative transfer model. Data were acquired on June 22, 1978 in Lake Erie, a cloudless, calm, near haze free day. Suspended solids and chlorophyll concentrations were 0.59 + or - 0.02 mg/1 and 2.42 + or - 0.03 micrograms/1 respectively throughout the duration of the experiment. Remote sensor data were acquired by two multispectral scanners each having 10 bands between 410 nm and 1040 nm. Calculated and measured nadir radiances for altitudes of 152 m and 12.5 km agree to within 16% and 14% respectively. The variation in measured radiance with look angle was poorly simulated by the model. It was concluded that an accurate assessment of the source of error will require the inclusion in the analysis of the contributions made by the sea state and specular sky reflectance