
Satellite time transfer via Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) and applications


With two geosynchronous relay satellites the tracking and data relay satellite system (TDRSS) can provide nearly worldwide coverage for communication between all near orbiting satellites and the satellite control center at Goddard Space Flight Center. Each future NASA satellite will carry a TDRSS transponder with which the satellite can communicate through a TDRSS to the ground station at White Sands, New Mexico. It is using this system that the ground station master clock time signal can be transmitted to the near Earth orbiting satellite in which a clock may be maintained independently to the accuracy required by the experimenters. The satellite time transfer terminal design concept and the application of the time signal in autonomously operated spacecraft clock are discussed. Some pertinent TDRSS parameters and corrections for the propagation delay measurement as well as the time code used to transfer the time signal are given

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