Upgraded viscous flow analysis of multi-element airfoils
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A description of an improved version of the NASA/Lockheed multi-element airfoil analysis computer program is presented. The improvements include several major modifications of the aerodynamic model as well as substantial changes of the computer code. The modifications of the aerodynamic model comprise the representation of the boundary layer and wake displacement effects with an equivalent source distribution, the prediction of wake parameters with Green's lag-entrainment method, the calculation of turbulent boundary layer separation with the method of Nash and Hicks, the estimation of the onset of confluent boundary layer separation with a modified form of Goradia's method, and the prediction of profile drag with the formula of Squire and Young. The modifications of the computer program for which the structured approach to computer software development was employed are also described. Important aspects of the structured program development such as the functional decomposition of the aerodynamic theory and its numerical implementation, the analysis of the data flow within the code, and the application of a pseudo code are discussed