
Improved adherence of sputtered titanium carbide coatings on nickel- and titanium-base alloys


Rene 41 and Ti-6Al-4V alloys were radio frequency sputter coated with titanium carbide by several techniques in order to determine the most effective. Coatings were evaluated in pin-on-disk tests. Surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to relate adherence to interfacial chemistry. For Rene 41, good coating adherence was obtained when a small amount of acetylene was added to the sputtering plasma. The acetylene carburized the alloy surface and resulted in better bonding to the TiC coating. For Ti-6Al-4V, the best adherence and wear protection was obtained when a pure titanium interlayer was used between the coating and the alloy. The interlayer is thought to prevent the formation of a brittle, fracture-prone, aluminum oxide layer

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