
Combined pressure and temperature distortion effects on internal flow of a turbofan engine


An additional data base for improving and verifying a computer simulation developed by an engine manufacturer was obtained. The multisegment parallel compressor simulation was designed to predict the effects of steady-state circumferential inlet total-pressure and total-temperature distortions on the flows into and through a turbofan compression system. It also predicts the degree of distortion that will result in surge of the compressor. The effect of combined 180 deg square-wave distortion patterns of total pressure and total temperature in various relative positions is reported. The observed effects of the combined distortion on a unitary bypass ratio turbofan engine are presented in terms of total and static pressure profiles and total temperature profiles at stations ahead of the inlet guide vanes as well as through the fan-compressor system. These observed profiles are compared with those predicted by the complex multisegment model. The effects of relative position of the two components comprising the combined distortion on the degree resulting in surge are discussed. Certain relative positions required less combined distortion than either a temperature or pressure distortion by itself

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