The 737 graphite composite flight spoiler flight service evaluation
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The flight service experience of 110 graphite epoxy spoilers on 737 transport aircraft was reviewed as well as ground based environmental exposure of graphite epoxy material specimens for the period from April 1976 through April 1977. Several spoilers were installed on each of 27 aircraft representing seven major airlines operating throughout the world. A flight service evaluation program of at least 5 years is under way. As of April 30, 1977, a total of 766,938 spoiler flight hours and 1,168,090 spoiler landings were accumulated by the fleet. Based on visual ultrasonic, and destructive testing, there was no evidence of moisture migration into the honeycomb core and no core corrosion. Tests of removed spoilers and of ground based exposure specimens after the third year of service continue to indicate modest changes in composite strength properties