
Analysis of rotary balance data for the F-15 airplane including the effect of conformal fuel tanks


F-15 rotary balance data was analyzed, and the influence of control deflections, Reynolds number and airplane components, i.e., body, wing, horizontal and vertical tails, as well as conformal tanks, on the aerodynamics up to 90 degrees angle of attack are discussed. Steady state spin mode predictions using these data are presented, which show excellent correlation with spin tunnel and flight test results. Generally, the data shows damped yawing moment slopes with rotation at all angles of attack, and good control effectiveness. Differences in the rotary aerodynamics due to the addition of conformal tanks are minimal. The small differences in the region of the flat spin do, however, indicate that the resulting spin mode would be slightly flatter and faster for a conformal tank equipped airplane. The addition of conformal tanks make the airplane more departure susceptible

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