
Microwave tunable laser source: A stable, precision tunable heterodyne local oscillator


The development and capabilities of a tunable laser source utilizing a wideband electro-optic modulator and a CO2 laser are described. The precision tunability and high stability of the device are demonstrated with examples of laboratory spectroscopy. Heterodyne measurements are also presented to demonstrate the performance of the laser source as a heterodyne local oscillator. With the use of five CO2 isotope lasers and the 8 to 18 GHz sideband offset tunability of the modulator, calculations indicate that 50 percent spectral coverage in the 9 to 12 micron region is achievable. The wavelength accuracy and stability of this laser source is limited by the CO2 laser and is more than adequate for the measurement of narrow Doppler-broadened line profiles. The room-temperature operating capability and the programmability of the microwave tunable laser source are attractive features for its in-the-field implementation. Although heterodyne measurements indicated some S/N degradation when using the device as a local oscillator, there does not appear to be any fundamental limitation to the heterodyne efficiency of this laser source. Through the use of a lower noise-figure traveling wave tube amplifier and optical matching of the output beam with the photomixer, a substantial increase in the heterodyne S/N is expected

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