
MAGSAT anomaly profiles of the eastern Indian Ocean


Ground tracks from SEASAT were used in an effort to develop qualititative relationships between the gravity field and MAGSAT magnetic anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean. Investigation of data quality led to analyses of the average value (over 80 vector data points, or approximately 36 km intervals) and of the standard deviation of this average, as a mean of identifying noisy portions of the data. It was discovered that the plots of the average value minus the individual (measured) point value are most useful for identifying noisy areas and data spikes. Spectrum analysis using edited (spikes removed) data show that the noise floor is less than 1 nT and the slope of the spectrum in the region of wavelengths between 1200 km and 250 km is approximately -3. Consequently the estimated resolution limit improved from approximately 360 km to approximately 250 km

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