Noise of the SR-6 propeller model at 2 deg and 4 deg angles of attack
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The noise generated by supersonic-tip-speed propellers creates a cabin noise problem for future airplanes powered by these propellers. Noise of a number of propeller models were measured in the NASA Lewis 8- by 6-Foot Wind Tunnel with flow parallel to the propeller axis. In flight, as a result of the induced upwash from the airplane wing, the propeller is at an angle of attack with respect to the incoming flow. Therefore, the 10-blade SR-6 propeller was operated at angle of attack to determine its noise behavior. Higher blade passage tones were observed for the propeller operating at angle of attack in a 0.6 axial Mach number flow. The noise increase was not symmetrical, with one wall of the wind tunnel showing a larger noise increase than the other wall. No noise increase was observed at angle of attack in a 0.8 axial Mach number flow. For this propeller the dominance of thickness noise, which does not increase with angle of attack, explains the lack of noise increase at the higher 0.8 Mach number