
Design concepts for a high-impedance narrow-band 42 GHz power TWT using a fundamental/forward ladder-based circuit


A low-cost, narrowband, millimeter wave space communications TWT design was studied. Cold test interaction structure scale models were investigated and analyses were undertaken to predict the electrical and thermal response of the hypothetical 200 W TWT at 42 GHz and 21 kV beam voltage. An intentionally narrow instantaneous bandwidth (1%, with the possibility of electronic tuning of the center frequency over several percent) was sought with a highly dispersive, high impedance "forward wave' interaction structure based on a ladder (for economy in fabrication) and nonspace harmonic interaction, for a high gain rate and a short, economically focused tube. The "TunneLadder' interaction structure devised combines ladder properties with accommodation for a pencil beam. Except for the impedance and bandwidth, there is much in common with the millimeter wave helix TWTs which provided the ideal of diamond support rods. The benefits of these are enhanced in the TunneLadder case because of spatial separation of beam interception and RF current heating

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