
Equivalent source modeling of the main field using MAGSAT data


An iterative least squares estimation algorithm with the capability for including a priori statistical information was implemented to recover multiple magnetic dipole models of the Earth's main magnetic field. The dipoles are fixed to a specified radius at or below the core-mantle boundary and centered on equal area blocks. The algorithm can solve for dipole magnitudes only (fixed orientations), or allow full freedom of orientation and solve for vector components. External field parameters and observatory anomaly biases can also be estimated simultaneously. Time dependence is modeled using first time derivatives for dipole vector components. Single-epoch and time dependent dipole models are derived using MAGSAT and observatory annul means data. Equivalent spherical harmonic representation are computed in closed form from the dipole models and compared with truncated spherical harmonic models estimated in the standard way from the same data sets. In particular, a 21 deg spatial resolution model based on 93 dipoles was computed based on observatory annual means data and a selected MAGSAT data set and was compared with candidate IGRF 1975 models and their 1980 secular variation

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