
Telesat-G/Delta post launch report


The Canadiari Telesat-G (ANIK-D1) commercial communications satellite was launched successfully from the Eastern space and Missile Center (ESMC) at 7:10 p.m., EDT, on August 25, 1982, by a Delta 3920 Vehicle, Mission Number 164. Performance of the two stage Delta launch vehicle was nominal and placed the payload in a low circular orbit as planned. The Payload Assist Module (PAM-D), which is part of the payload, also performed nominally. The synchronous transfer orbital elements achieved by Delta/PAM, compared with the nominal expected, are provided. The satellite performed satisfactorily during the transfer orbit, and the ABM was fired successfully at 5:29 p.m., EDT, on August 29, 1982. The satellite was maneuvered to a position 104 degrees West Longitude above the equator. Satellite status is satisfactory and it has entered service

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