
The structure of particle-laden jets and nonevaporating sprays


Mean and fluctuating gas velocities, liquid mass fluxes and drop sizes were in nonevaporating sprays. These results, as well as existing measurements in solid particle-laden jets, were used to evaluate models of these processes. The following models were considered: (1) a locally homogeneous flow (LHF) model, where slip between the phases was neglected; (2) a deterministic separated flow (DSF) model, where slip was considered but effects of particle dispersion by turbulence were ignored; and (3) a stochastic separated flow (SSF) model, where effects of interphase slip and turbulent dispersion were considered using random-walk computations for particle motion. The LHF and DSF models did not provide very satisfactory predictions over the present data base. In contrast, the SSF model performed reasonably well - including conditions in nonevaporating sprays where enhanced dispersion of particles by turbulence caused the spray to spread more rapidly than single-phase jets for comparable conditions. While these results are encouraging, uncertainties in initial conditions limit the reliability of the evaluation. Current work is seeking to eliminate this deficiency

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