
Simultaneous stabilization and simultaneous pole placement by nonswitching dynamic compensation


The 'simultaneous stabilization problem' is defined and theorems are proposed for its solution. The problem consists in answering the question: given an r-tuple G sub 1(s), G sub r(s) of p x m proper transfer functions, does there exist a compensator K(s) such that the closed loop systems G sub 1(s) (I+K(s)G sub 1(s)) (-1), G sub r(s) (I+K(s) G sub r(s)) (-1) are (internally) stable. This question arises in reliability theory, where G sub 2(s), G sub r(s) represents a plant G sub 1(s) operating in various modes of failure and K(s) is a nonswitching stabilizing compensator. It is important in the stability analysis and design of a plant which can be switched into various operating modes. The simultaneous stabilization problem can also apply to the stabilization of a nonlinear system which is linearized at several equilibria. Conditions are defined for pole placement and the generalized Sylvestor matrix is discussed

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