
Description of recent changes in the Langley 6- by 28-inch transonic tunnel


Calibrations were obtained in the Langley 6 by 28-inch transonic tunnel with newly installed controllable reentry flaps and test section floor and ceiling. Using available theory, the top and bottom slotted walls were redesigned for minimum wind tunnel interference errors of blockage and stream-line curvature. To minimize Mach number gradients along the tunnel axis downstream of the model, controllable flaps were installed to regulate the flow reentering the test section through the slotted walls. The flap setting is independent of stagnation pressure and varies only with Mach number. The freestream Mach number is determined from the pressrue measured at a station 66.04 cm upstream of the model station. The model has no significant influence on the vertical Mach number distribution at this station. This method of Mach number determination appears to be more accurate than one using the plenum pressure

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