
Corrosion of simulated bearing components of three bearing steels in the presence of chloride-contaminated lubricant


Corrosion tests were run with AISI 52100, AISI M-50 and AMS 5794 under conditions that simulate the crevice corrosion found in aircraft ball and roller bearings rejected at overhaul for corrosion. Test specimens were fabricated that simulated the contacts of balls or rollers and the raceways. Corrosion cells were assembled in the presence of a lubricant contaminated with water and chloride ions. The cell was then thermally cycled between 339 K (150 F) and 276 K (37 F). The corrosion observed after 14 cycles was that of crevice and pitting corrosion typically found in aircraft bearings. AMS 5749 showed a very slight amount of corrosion. No appreciable differences were noted between AISI 52100 and AISI M-50, but both showed much greater corrosion than AMS 5749. The corrosion pits observed in AISI M-50 appeared to be fewer in number but generally deeper and larger than in AISI 52100

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