The equivalence of three techniques for estimating ground reflectance from LANDSAT digital count data
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The equivalence of three separate investigations that related LANDSAT digital count (DC) to ground measured reflectance (R) was demonstrated. One investigator related DC data to the cosZ, where Z is the solar zenith angle, for surfaces of constant R. The second investigator corrected the DC data to the solar zenith angle of 39 degrees before relating to surface R. Both of these investigators used LANDSAT 1 and 2 data from overpass dates 1972 through 1977. A third investigator calculated the relation between DC and R based on atmospheric radiative transfer theory. The equation coefficients obtained from these three investigators for all four LANDSAT MSS bands were shown to be equivalent although differences in ground reflectance measurement procedures have created coefficient variations among the three investigations. These relations should be useful for testing atmospheric radiative transfer theory