Failure mechanics in low-velocity impacts on thin composite plates
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Eight-ply quasi-isotropic composite plates of Thornel 300 graphite in Narmco 5208 epoxy resin (T300/5208) were tested to establish the degree of equivalence between low-velocity impact and static testing. Both the deformation and failure mechanics under impact were representable by static indentation tests. Under low-velocity impacts such as tool drops, the dominant deformation mode of the plates was the first, or static, mode. Higher modes are excited on contact, but they decay significantly by the time the first-mode load reaches a maximum. The delamination patterns were observed by X-ray analysis. The areas of maximum delamination patterns were observed by X-ray analysis. The areas of maximum delamination coincided with the areas of highest peel stresses. The extent of delamination was similar for static and impact tests. Fiber failure damage was established by tensile tests on small fiber bundles obtained by deplying test specimens. The onset of fiber damage was in internal plies near the lower surface of the plates. The distribution and amount of fiber damage was similar fo impact and static tests