
A manned-machine space station construction concept


A design concept for the construction of a permanent manned space station is developed and discussed. The main considerations examined in developing the design concept are: (1) the support structure of the station be stiff enough to preclude the need for an elaborate on-orbit system to control structural response, (2) the station support structure and solar power system be compatible with existing technology, and (3) the station be capable of growing in a systematic modular fashion. The concept is developed around the assembly of truss platforms by pressure-suited astronauts operating in extravehicular activity (EVA), assisted by a machine (Assembly and Transport Vehicle, ATV) to position the astronauts at joint locations where they latch truss members in place. The ATV is a mobile platform that is attached to and moves on the station support structure using pegs attached to each truss joint. The operation of the ATV is described and a number of conceptual configurations for potential space stations are developed

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