Determinations of SIII, OIV and NeV abundances in planetary nebulae from IR lines
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Airborne observations of the infrared forbidden lines (SIII) 18.71 microns, (NeV) 24.28 microns and (OIV) 25.87 microns were made for twelve planetary nebulae. One or more of the lines was detected in seven of these nebulae and ionic abundances were calculated. These results are insensitive to nebula temperatures, in contrast to the case for optical or UV lines. However, density estimates from optical and UV forbidden lines were required to obtain abundances. The NeV infrared line flux from NGC 7662 was combined with the 3426A flux to obtain a NeV electron temperature of 11,200 (+2000, - 1100) K, which overlaps OIII temperature measurements. Since the ionization potential of NeIV is much greater than that of OII, T sub e (NeV) would be expected to be much greater than T sub e (OIII). In fact, numerical models predict T sub e (NeV) (16-20) x 1000 K. This discrepancy may indicate inaccuracies in currently available atomic parameters for NeV