
Calculation of unsteady aerodynamics for four AGARD standard aeroelastic configurations


Calculated unsteady aerodynamic characteristics for four Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research Development (AGARD) standard aeroelastic two-dimensional airfoils and for one of the AGARD three-dimensional wings are reported. Calculations were made using the finite-difference codes XTRAN2L (two-dimensional flow) and XTRAN3S (three-dimensional flow) which solve the transonic small disturbance potential equations. Results are given for the 36 AGARD cases for the NACA 64A006, NACA 64A010, and NLR 7301 airfoils with experimental comparisons for most of these cases. Additionally, six of the MBB-A3 airfoil cases are included. Finally, results are given for three of the cases for the rectangular wing

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