
Opening of an interface flaw in a layered elastic half-plane under compressive loading


A static analysis is given of the problem of an elastic layer perfectly bonded, except for a frictionless interface crack, to a dissimilar elastic half-plane. The free surface of the layer is loaded by a finite pressure distribution directly over the crack. The problem is formulated using the two dimensional linear elasticity equations. Using Fourier transforms, the governing equations are converted to a pair of coupled singular integral equations. The integral equations are reduced to a set of simultaneous algebraic equations by expanding the unknown functions in a series of Jacobi polynomials and then evaluating the singular Cauchy-type integrals. The resulting equations are found to be ill-conditioned and, consequently, are solved in the least-squares sense. Results from the analysis show that, under a normal pressure distribution on the free surface of the layer and depending on the combination of geometric and material parameters, the ends of the crack can open. The resulting stresses at the crack-tips are singular, implying that crack growth is possible. The extent of the opening and the crack-top stress intensity factors depend on the width of the pressure distribution zone, the layer thickness, and the relative material properties of the layer and half-plane

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