
The Pikwitonei granulite domain: A lower crustal level along the Churchill-Superior boundary in central Manitoba


The greenschist to amphibolite facies tonalite-greenstone terrain of the Gods Lake subprovince grades - in a northwesterly direction - into the granulite facies Pikwitonei domain at the western margins of the Superior Province. The transition is the result of prograde metamorphism and takes place over 50 - 100 km without any structural or lithological breaks. Locally the orthopyroxene isograd is oblique to the structural grain and transects greenstone belts, e.g., the Cross Lake belt. The greenstone belts in the granulite facies and adjacent lower grade domain consist mainly of mafic and (minor) ultramafic metavolcanics, and clastic and chemical metasedimentary rocks. Typical for the greenstone belts crossed by the orthopyroxene isograd are anorthositic gabbros and anorthosites, and plagiophyric mafic flows. The Pikwitonei granulite domain has been interpreted as to represent a lower crustal level which was uplifted to the present level of erosion. On the basis of gravimetric data this uplift has been modelled as an obduction onto the Churchill Province during the Hudsonian orogeny, similar to the Ivrea Zone. The fault between the Churchill and Superior Province is described

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