An investigation of turbulent scatter from the mesosphere as observed by coherent-scatter radar
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Turbulent scatter from he mesosphere is observed using the Urbana coherent-scatter radar. The variation in signal-to-noise ratio as a function of time-of-day is examined. The origin of scattering regions is investigated by comparing the variations in scattered power and Doppler velocity. Nighttime echoes are shown for periods of enhanced electron concentration. The spectrum of the returned signal is studied with a resolution of ten seconds. Spectral information is used to increase altitude resolution and observe the motion of scatterers. The expected variation in signal-to-noise ratio with solar flux is observed. It is found that variations in the scattered power generally do not correspond to the gravity waves which are simultaneously observed. Turbulent layers are observed at altitudes with high shear in the horizontal velocity and at altitudes with low shear. The ten-second resolution is necessary to distinguish meteor echoes from echoes produced by the advection of a scattering layer through the radar beam