
Synoptic-scale dynamics with vertical velocity, part 1.8A


Radar measurements of all three of the atmospheric velocity components by the MST technique data from all the pioneering work of Woodman and Geillen (1974). The radar horizontal velocities have been compared with other standard measurements, such as radiosonde winds, in a number of studies and are now finding widespread acceptance within the meteorological community for research and operational forecasting purposes. Perhaps the single most interesting report recently is that the mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) profiler winds are turning out to be one of the most useful pieces of data for predicting upslope snowfall in the cold season forecasting study of the PROFS Program (Reynolds, 1983). By contrast, the vertical velocities measured by MST radars have received relatively little attention, despite the facts that direct continuous measurement of vertical velocity is unique (i.e., it cannot be done with radiosondes) and that the vertical velocity is intimately linked with the dynamics of the atmosphere. Indeed, for many forecasting applications the vertical velocity is the single most important variable, yet it is usually inferred indirectly from other dynamical variables. The stratosphere-troposphere (ST) radars now available have the potential to change this situation. Some of the results from vertical velocity measurements which have direct application in synoptic scale dynamics

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