
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) trade analysis


The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) which will collect data pertinent to the Earth's upper atmosphere is described. The collected data will be sent to the central data handling facility (CDHF) via the UARS ground system and the data will be processed and distributed to the remote analysis computer systems (RACS). An overview of the UARS ground system is presented. Three configurations were developed for the CDHF-RACS system. The CDHF configurations are discussed. The IBM CDHF configuration, the UNIVAC CDHF configuration and the vax cluster CDHF configuration are presented. The RACS configurations, the IBM RACS configurations, UNIVAC RACS and VAX RACS are detailed. Due to the large on-line data estimate to approximately 100 GB, a mass storage system is considered essential to the UARS CDHF. Mass storage systems were analyzed and the Braegan ATL, the RCA optical disk, the IBM 3850 and the MASSTOR M860 are discussed. It is determined that the type of mass storage system most suitable to UARS is the automated tape/cartridge device. Two devices of this type, the IBM 3850 and the MASSTOR MSS are analyzed and the applicable tape/cartridge device is incorporated into the three CDHF-RACS configurations

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