
Search for optical bursts from the gamma ray burst source GBS 0526-66


Attempts were made to detect optical bursts from the gamma-ray burst source GBS 0526-66 during Dec. 31, 1984 to Jan. 2, 1985 and Feb. 23 to Feb. 24, 1985, using the one meter reflector of the Kavalur Observatory. Jan. 1, 1985 coincided with the zero phase of the predicted 164 day period of burst activity from the source (Rothschild and Lingenfelter, 1984). A new optical burst photon counting system with adjustable trigger threshold was used in parallel with a high speed photometer for the observations. The best time resolution was 1 ms and maximum count rate capability was 255,000 counts s(-1). Details of the instrumentation and observational results are presented

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