
Analysis of selective chopper radiometer data


Data from SCR-B on Nimbus 5 have been processed to yield global, orbital temperatures at 10, 5, 2, 1, and 0.4 mb for the period January 1977 through April 1978 under the current task. In addition gridded values at 10 deg latitude by 20 deg longitude were prepared by space-time interpolation for the period January 1975 through April 1978. Temperature retrieval was based on regression of radiances against Meteorological Rocket Network data, with regressions recomputed at approximately six-month intervals. This data now completes a consistent time series from April 1970 to April 1978 for all available radiance data from SCR A and SCR B on Nimbus 4 and 5. The processing details for the current period are discussed, but is also applicable to the previous data periods. The accuracy of the temperature retrievals for each 6-month period for the entire eight years is given in the Appendices

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