
The interaction of small metal particles with refractory oxide supports


Islands and continuous layers of Pd were grown in UHV on Mo and MoO subtrates. As-deposited Pd islands and layers exhibited bulk Pd adsorption properties for CO when the Pd had been deposited at RT and at thicknesses exceeding 3 ML. However, CO adsorption was drastically reduced upon annealing. This deactivation was interpreted in terms of substrate/support interaction involving the diffusion of substrate species toward the Pd surface, using AES, TPD, and work function measurement techniques. A study of the growth and annealing behavior of Pd on Mo(110) was made for thicknesses up to 12 monolayers and substrate temperatures up to 1300K, using AES, XPS, LEED, and work function measurements. At low tempertures Pd formed a monolayer without alloying. In thick layers (12 ML) annealed about 700 K, Mo diffusion into the Pd layer and alloying were noted. Such layers remained continuous up to 1100 K. Thinner Pd layers were less stable and started coalescing upon annealing to as little as 550 K. Significant changes in Pd Auger peak shape, as well as shifts of Pd core levels, were observed during layer growth and annealing

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