
Assessment of VAS soundings in the analysis of a preconvective environment


Retrievals from the VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) are combined with conventional data to assess the impact of geosynchronous satellite soundings upon the analysis of a preconvective environment. VAS retrievals of temperature, dewpoint, equivalent potential temperature, precipitable water, and lifted index are derived with 60 km resolution at 3 hour intervals. When VAS fields are combined with analyses from conventional data sources, mesoscale regions with convective instability are more clearly delineated prior to the rapid development of the thunderstorms. The retrievals differentiate isolated areas in which air extends throughout the lower troposphere from those regions where moisture is confined to a thin layer near the Earth's surface. The analyses of the VAS retrievals identify significant spatial gradients and temporal changes in the thermal and moisture fields, especially in the regions between radiosonde observations

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