
Source spectral index of heavy cosmic ray nuclei


From the energy spectra of the heavy nuclei observed by the French-Danish experiment on HEAO-3, the source spectra of the mostly primary nuclei (C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, Ca and Fe) in the framework of an energy dependent leaky box model (Engelmann, et al., 1985) were derived. The energy dependence of the escape length was derived from the observed B/C and sub-iron/iron ratios and the presently available cross sections for C and Fe on H nuclei (Koch-Miramond, et al., 1983). A good fit to the source energy spectra of all these nuclei was obtained by a power law in momentum with an exponent gamma = -2.4+0.05 for the energy range 1 to 25GeV/n (Engelmann, et al., 1985). Comparison with data obtained at higher energy suggested a progressive flattening of these spectra. More accurate spectral indices are sought by using better values of the escape length based on the latest cross section measurements (Webber 1984, Soutoul, et al., this conference). The aim is also to extend the analysis to lower energies down to 0.4GeV/n (kinetic energy observed near Earth), using data obtained by other groups. The only nuclei for which a good data base is possessed in a broad range of energies are O and Fe, so the present study is restricted to these two elements

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