
Comparison of big event with calculations of the air shower development


The incidence of high energy hadrons and electron-photons in air showers at various stages of development is calculated. Numerical calculation is used to solve the diffusion equation for a nuclear cascade and analytical calculation for cascade shower induced gamma rays. From these calculations, one can get the longitudinal development of the high energy hadron and electron-photon components, and the energy spectra of these components at various depths of air shower development. The total number of hadrons (N sub H) and electron-photon components (N sub gamma) are related according to stages of the air shower development and primary energy. The relation of the total energy of hadron and electron-photon component above the threshold energy is given. The energy balance between both components is also a useful parameter to study high energy events accompanying air showers. The relation of N sub H and fractional hadronic energy E (sum E sub H sup gamma/sum E sub H sup gamma + Sum E sub gamma) is calculated. This relation is helpful to understand the stage of air shower development(t) and primary energy (E sub p)

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