
High pressure cosmochemistry applied to major planetary interiors: Experimental studies


Progress is reported on a project to determine the properties and boundaries of high pressure phases of the H2-He-H2O-NH3-CH4 system that are needed to constrain theoretical models of the interiors of the major planets. This project is one of the first attempts to measure phase equilibria in binary fluid-solid systems in diamond anvil cells. Vibrational spectroscopy, direct visual observations, and X-ray diffraction crystallography of materials confined in externally heated cells are the primary experimental probes. Adiabats of these materials are also measured in order to constrain models of heat flow in these bodies and to detect phase transitions by thermal anomalies. Initial efforts involve the NH3-H2O binary. This system is especially relevant to models for surface reconstruction of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. Thermal analysis experiments were completed for the P-X space, p4GPa:0 or = 0.50, near room temperature. The cryostat, sample handling equipment, and optics needed to extend the optical P-T-X work below room temperature was completed

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