
A mid-Archaean ophiolite complex, Barberton Mountain land


New field observations and structurally restored geologic sections through the southern part of 3.5-3.6 Ga Barberton greenstone belt show that its mafic to ultramafic rocks form a pseudostratigraphy comparable to that of Phanerozoic ophiolites; this ancient ophiolite is referred to as the Jamestown ophiolite complex. It consists of an intrusive-extrusive mafic-ultramafic section, underlain by a high-temperature tectono-metamorphic residual peridotitic base, and is capped by a chert-shale sequence which it locally intrudes. Geochemical data support an ophiolitic comparison. Fraction of high temperature melting PGE's 2500 C in the residual rocks suggest a lower mantle origin for the precursors of this crust. An oceanic rather than arc-related crustal section can be inferred from the absence of contemporaneous andesites. The entire simatic section has also been chemically altered during its formation by hyrothermal interaction with the Archean hydrosphere. The most primitive parent liquids, from which the extrusive sequence evolved, may have been picritic in character. Rocks with a komatiitic chemistry may have been derived during crystal accumulation from picrite-crystal mushes (predominantly olivine-clinopyroxene) and/or by metasomatism during one or more subsequent episodes of hydration-dehydration. The Jamestown ophiolite complex provides the oldest record with evidence for the formation of oceanic lithosphere at constructive tectonic boundaries

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