
Applications of the magneto-optical filter to stellar pulsation measurements


A proposed method of employing the Cacciani magneto-optical filter (MOF) for stellar seismology studies is described. The method relies on the fact that the separation of the filter bandpasses in the MOF can be changed by varying the level of input power to the filter cells. With the use of a simple servosystem the bandpass of a MOF can be tuned to compensate for the changes in the radial velocity of a star introduced by the orbital motion of the Earth. Such a tuned filter can then be used to record intensity fluctuations through the MOF bandpass over an extended period of time for each given star. Also, the use of a two cell version of the MOF makes it possible to alternately chop between the bandpass located in the stellar line wing and a second bandpass located in the stellar continuum. Rapid interchange between the two channels makes it possible for atmospheric-introduced noise to be removed from the time series

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