
Unstable 06.5f?p star HD 148937 and its interstellar environment


The massive, early-type star HD 148937 (spectral type 06.5?p) is surrounded by a unique set of nebulosities. A spherically symmetric Stromgren sphere (Radius approx. - 25 pc), an ellipsoidal filamentary nebulosity (semimajor axis approx. - 5 pc) interpreted as a stellar-wind-blown shell, and a bipolar nebular complex (semimajor axis approx. - 1 pc) with HD 148937 located in the apparent center of symmetry. Observations of these nebulosities are reported (narrow-band charge coupled devices imaging, image dissector scanner (IDS) spectrophotometry, high resolution spectroscopy) in an attempt to establish a consistent model of HD 148937 and its nebulosities

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