
Modelling of photodegradation in solar cell modules of substrate and superstrate design made with ethylene-vinyl acetate as pottant material


A computer model was developed which can generate realistic concentration versus time profiles of the chemical species formed during photooxidation of hydrocarbon polymers using as input data a set of elementary reactions with corresponding rate constants and initial conditions. The results of computer simulation have been shown to be consistent with the general experimental observations of the photooxidation of polyethylene exposed to sunlight at ambient temperatures. The useful lifetime (5% oxidation) of the unstabilized polyethylene is predicted to vary from a few months in hot weather (100 F) to almost two years in cool weather (45 F) with an apparent net activation energy of 10 kcal/mol. Modelling studies of alternate mechanisms for stabilization of clear, amorphous, linear polyethylene suggest that the optimum stabilizer would be a molecularly dispensed additive in very low concentration which can trap peroxy radicals and also decompose hydroperoxides

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