
Super active regions and production of major solar flares


The success of imaging detectors with small fields of veiw such as HXIS or P/OF (Pinhole/Occulter Facility) depends heavily on pointing to the right place at the right time. During the solar maximum years many active regions coexist on the solar disk. Therefore, in order to point the imaging detector to the right place, it is important to know which active region is most likely to produce major flares. This knowledge is also important for flare prediction. As a first step toward this goal active regions have been identified which produced major flares observed by HXRBS (Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer) on SMM during February 1980 through December 1983. For this study the HXRBS Event List, an updated flare list compiled by the HXRBS group, and the Comprehensive Reports of the Solar Geophysical Data were used. During this period, HXRBS detected hard X-rays from approx 7000 solar flares, out of which only 441 flares produced X-rays with peak count rates exceeding 1000 counts/s. Flares with such high peak count rates are major flares. During the same time period about 2100 active regions passed across the solar disk, out of which only 153 were observed to produce major flares. (Some active regions are known to persist for several solar rotations, but at each passage new active region numbers are assigned and the estimate is based on active region numbers.) Out of these 153 active regions, 25 were observed to produce 5 or more major flares. Considering their high productivity of major flares, we may call these active regions super active regions. These 25 super active regions produced 209 major flares, accounting for 51% of all the major flares with identified active regions

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