
Early changes in gradation styles and rates on Mars


The wide annulus of massifs and knobs of Isidis and Argyre provided sufficiently large areas for meaningful crater statistics of large craters. Counts were made over adjacent and nested areas in order to test consistency and to derive relative age of each basin. Within the Isidis annulus, charateristic terrains provided counting areas for dating contrasting surface process: channeled hummocky terrain, etched terrains, and intermassif channeled plains. The channeled hummocky terrain contains a high channel density of narrow valley networks cutting both primary Isidis features and old craters. The etched terrains represent a broad region outside the inner high relief massifs of southwestern Isidis where numerous irregular plateaus, mesas, and relict craters indicate a different style of erosion. The intermassif channeled plains occur along the inner mountainous ring. Shallow meandering channels form a large integrated drainage system that is linked to numerous smaller intermountainous basins. These ponds and interconnected tributaries extend beyond the primary inner massif ring through broad canyons

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