
An astrometric facility for planetary detection on the space station


An Astrometric Telescope Facility (ATF) for planetary detection is being studied as a potential space station initial operating capability payload. The primary science objective of this mission is the detection and study of planetary systems around other stars. In addition, the facility will be capable of other astrometric measurements such as stellar motions of other galaxies and highly precise direct measurement of stellar distance within the Milky Way Galaxy. The results of a recently completed ATF preliminary systems definition study are summarized. Results of this study indicate that the preliminary concept for the facility is fully capable of meeting the science objective without the development of any new technologies. A simple straightforward operations approach was developed for the ATF. A real-time facility control is not normally required, but does maintain a near real-time ground monitoring capability for the facility and science data stream on a full-time basis. Facility observational sequences are normally loaded once a week. In addition, the preliminary system is designed to be fail-safe and single-fault tolerant. Routine interactions by the space station crew with the ATF will not be necessary, but onboard controls are provided for crew override as required for emergencies and maintenance

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