
COFS 3 multibody dynamics and control technology


One of the results from the model definition study showed that the maximum scale factor for a replica model is .25. This is dictated by the fixed dimensions of the Large Spacecraft Lab. Replica scaling laws were applied to simplified theoretical models of joints and the joint/tube/joint system. The practical interpretation of the results for the specific Space Station configuration under study yielded a number of conclusions which are briefly discussed. Detailed suspension analyses were conducted to evaluate the ability of the suspended scale model to emulate the dynamic behavior of the free-free Space Station. The results indicated only a slight preference for smaller scales. A candidate erectable Space Station joint was fabricated at full scale, 1/4 scale and 1/3 scale in order to assess the comparability of the scaled joints to the full scale behavior. Another important question discussed is how well the inherent damping characteristics of the scaled joints compare to those of the full scale joint. The preliminary definition study yielded three separate scale factor recommendations for the scale model

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