
Propagation characteristics of some novel coplanar waveguide transmission lines on GaAs at MM-wave frequencies


Three new Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) transmission lines, namely, Suspended CPW (SCPW), Stripline-like Suspended CPW (SSCPW) and Inverted CPW (ICPW), are proposed and also analyzed for their propagation characteristics. The substrate thickness, permittivity and dimensions of housing are assumed to be arbitrary. These structures have the following advantages over conventional CPW. Firstly, the ratio of guide wavelength to free space wavelength is closer to unity which results in larger dimensions and hence lower tolerances. Secondly, the effective dielectric constant is lower and hence the electromagnetic field energies are concentrated more in the air regions which should reduce attenuation. Thirdly, for a prescribed impedance level, the above structures have a wider slot width for identical strip width. Thus, low impedance lines can be achieved with reasonable slot dimensions. Fourthly, in an inverted CPW shunt mounting of active devices, such as Gunn and IMPATT diodes, between the strip and the metal trough is possible. This feature further enhances the attractiveness of the above structures. Lastly, an E-plane probe type transition from a rectangular waveguide to suspended CPW can also be easily realized. The computed results for GaAs at Ka-band illustrate the variation of normalized guide wavelength, effective dielectric constant and the characteristic impedance as a function of the: (1) frequency; (2) distance of separation between the trough side walls; (3) normalized strip and slot widths; and (4) normalized air gap

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